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walk the beat

all I need in this life of sin are caffeine & my book boyfriends

Currently reading

Not That Kind of Girl: A young woman tells you what she's "learned"
Lena Dunham
Progress: 75 %
Isla and the Happily Ever After
Stephanie Perkins
Progress: 44 %

Never Too Far (Fallen Too Far) (Volume 2)

Never Too Far (Too Far, #2; Rosemary Beach, #2) - Abbi Glines What is a relationship without trust?...But if the guy is cute, rich and madly in love with you, is trust really that important? Ha! Blaire seems to think so. Then the poor niave thing realizes Rush gave her a little parting gift to go along with that broken heart of hers.It was over way too fast. I wanted more! Things seemed RUSHed (haha!). Forgive my lameness, but I couldn't resist. Rush was a groveling sweetheart throughout most of the book, as he should be. Was I the only one who wanted to shout "you go, girl" (my lameness is showing again) when Blaire finally read Cain his rights? Nan had me wanting to cause her bodily harm as per usual! She gets none of my sympathy. Really liked the unexpected and interesting reveal at the end. It was a nice redeeming moment for Abe. I am looking forward to Woods' story even more now, so there's that. As far as Grant's story goes, I want nothing to do with it if the girl is Nan. Don't you think that was Grant in her room when Rush showed up? And their relationship was obviously different. Am I supposed to believe the accident has made her see the light?! Well, maybe the truth set her free. Guess we'll find out.