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walk the beat

all I need in this life of sin are caffeine & my book boyfriends

Currently reading

Not That Kind of Girl: A young woman tells you what she's "learned"
Lena Dunham
Progress: 75 %
Isla and the Happily Ever After
Stephanie Perkins
Progress: 44 %

Color of Forgiveness

Color of Forgiveness - Madeleine Beckett The first book ended with a cliffy, so I've been dying to get my hands on this for what seems like forever. Ms. Madeleine Beckett was nice enough to put me out of my misery a week early. God bless you, Madeleine! Let me just start by saying this was like book 1 on steroids. So much drama! This was some good stuff, people! I kept trying to figure out what was going on and I kept getting stumped. I wont go into detail so I won't spoil anything so now I'll just gush about my Dylan. I loved Dylan and his dirty mouth. Who would've thought he had gone through such tragedy? His story broke my heart. The tears were flowing and I fell even more in love with him. You know how you usually root for the girl to get her HEA? All I cared about was Dylan getting his. Susie & Chad were fun & entertaining secondary characters. They made the book even more enjoyable. The story was great and the epilogue was fulfilling. I'm so appreciative when authors take the time to give their readers complete closure. Good job, Madeleine! Please keep writing, because I'm really looking forward to what you come up with next.