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walk the beat

all I need in this life of sin are caffeine & my book boyfriends

Currently reading

Not That Kind of Girl: A young woman tells you what she's "learned"
Lena Dunham
Progress: 75 %
Isla and the Happily Ever After
Stephanie Perkins
Progress: 44 %

Eleanor & Park

Eleanor & Park - Rainbow Rowell 4.5 starsI am a huge fan of Rainbow Rowell's writing and this is only her second book. She is so gifted at creating real and likable characters. This is a meaningful story of first love, survival and sacrifice. Ms. Rowell knows how to make me feel happy and sad at the same time. Eleanor was awkward, weird and snarky and I totally wanted to be her friend. PARK! I LOVE PARK! He was a 16 yr. old knight in shining armor. I'll be swooning for days. The closer I got to the end, the more unsure I became about how I would feel. I was in full on denial by the end, thinking more chapters would magically appear. Didn't happen. I kinda want to scream right now! No, I REALLY want to scream right now. That ending was both beautifully simple and all out frustrating. I heart this author, but I'm a little bit mad at her for not giving me more. I can't be the only one who feels this story is far from over. Chant with me, guys! WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE! Not likely, but I'll choose to keep hope alive.