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walk the beat

all I need in this life of sin are caffeine & my book boyfriends

Currently reading

Not That Kind of Girl: A young woman tells you what she's "learned"
Lena Dunham
Progress: 75 %
Isla and the Happily Ever After
Stephanie Perkins
Progress: 44 %

Kiss This (The McCallans, Book One)

Kiss This  - Hadley Quinn Yay! I really loved Camryn & Teague! She was tough and cool. He was sexy and dangerous. Can I just say how refreshing it was to have a couple who was actually pretty damn good at communicating? There was one big issue that slowly unfolded, but kudos for a heroin who didn't jump to conclusions about rumors and here say. She actually gave chances for an explanation. She handled it a lot better than I would have. Apologies if that is too spolier-y. The next book is a spinoff about Jay, but I'm slightly ambivalent to his story. I'm thinking it's obvious who the girl of interest will be and I don't know if I find her worthy.